A draft signed by Dalhousie, and his assistants, summarising the case for annexing Jhansi, signed by Dalhousie 27th Febuary 1854.

Annexation of Jhansi

1. Jhansi has been under British protection more visibly than even Satara. Ramchandra Rao ruled it just recently by the permission of the British. Therefore, due to the absence of a male heir, Jhansi would naturally return to being under the control of the British Government.

2. No argument is necessary to realize that Jhansi is absolutely one of the protected states; The ruling class of Jhansi are not independant. Jhansi was never an independant state in the sense that Tehri Orchha was. Actually, Jhansi is merely a part of the state of Orchha. The Peshwa severed it to create a separate unit to be ruled by subedars.

3. The sudden adoption looks suspicious. Malcolm himself has said that everyone was astonished to hear about the adoption.

4. The past history of Jhansi will refute the Queen's arguments. The widow of Ramchandra Rao had adopted a child. That adoption was proclaimed to be legal for social and personal necessity but was illegal for political purposes and so another king was selected.

5. The only reason for our regaining Jhansi is the lack of a legitimate male heir. There should be no second opinion about this.

6. The British will not profit in any way by the take-over of Jhansi because its territories are small and its taxes are negligible. But its location is quite unusual. Because it is situated in the midst of several other districts in British possession, the annexation of Jhansi will improve and regularize the domestic administration of the states of Bundelkhand held by us.

7. From the experience of other states, it will be apparent that the people of Jhansi will benefit greatly from the province's merger with the other territories held by the British.

8. According to the suggestion of the Viceroy, the Queen will have an adequate pension and Jhansi will be under the rule of the governor of the Northwestern Provinces just like all the other British states of Bundelkhand.